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Muslim Care Malaysia Society


1 - its not muslim makes Islam great but, its Islam makes muslim great. - zuhair hadi

2 - solat itu ringan bagi orang yang mengambil berat, tetapi solat itu berat bagi orang yang mengambil ringan. - zuhair hadi

3 - seandainya nafsu kita sentiasa muda untuk melakukan dosa, biarlah iman dan taqwa kita tidak pernah tua untuk bertaubat kepada Allah SWT.

4 - this world is just a preparation and not our final destination.

5 - you may lose all you have, you may lose the people you love, but as long as you still have Allah, you have all you need.

6 - the night is long and my Lord is the Most Generous.

7 - rugilah seseorang muslim itu tatkala Islam berjaya dimartabatkan sedangkan dia tidak terlibat dalam usaha untuk itu. - zuhair hadi

8 - It is not my Hijab that oppresses me, it is your ignorance.

9 - Whoever prefers Allah to all others, Allah will prefer him to others - (Ibn Qayyim)

10 - Not everybody is out there to “judge” you, there are some who want the best for you and want to help you get into Jannah, value them.

11 - Sometimes the hardest person for you to correct is yourself. There’s no shame in being wrong, the shame is choosing to stay wrong.

12 - 
To be able to thank Allah is a blessing within itself - (Imam Shafie)

13 - The greatest jihad is to battle your own soul, to fight the evil within yourself.

14 - Kesempatan yang kecil seringkali merupakan p
ermulaan kepada usaha yang besar.

15 - find better company, find company of people better than yourself, so you be surrounded with those best character, and so you may learn something. - (Nu'man Ali Khan)

16 - Sometimes it is better not to speak.

17 - The reward for an accepted Hajj is nothing less than Jannah - The Prophet Muhammad.

18 - We need Allah, without Him in our life we are just like a ship without a compass, lost in a big ocean.

19 - You are the author of your own book of deeds, make sure it’s worth a read on the day of judgement.

20 - Be sincere when giving advice and be humble when receiving advice.

21 - It’s pe
rfectly normal to be sinful and full of flaws, it becomes a problem when we stop regretting our sins and do not repent to Allah.

22 Speak Good or Remain Silent inshallah!

23 - Who knows if you will live tomorrow or even the next hour. Don’t procrastinate. Turn to Allah (SWT)

24 - His blessings & your sins which one is greater?  Fear not repent & return to Him And He will always accept you.

25 - The Hereafter consists either of Allah’s Forgiveness or the Fire; and this world is either a source of Allah’s Protection or a source of destruction.

26 - "One who directs to good is rewarded similiar to the doer of good.” - (Ibn Majah)

27 - Allah is all you need. - zuhair hadi

28 - Take pride in being a Muslim, Allah aza wa jal chose you and me to be the carriers and conveyors of His beautiful deen. Whats better than that? Alhumdulilah!

29 - You know the hour is near when it's normal to be immortal - (abdulbari yahya)

30 - Allah is never late. only us were less patient. Be patient for a while, Allah's favor must be there for us.

31 - People come into your life either as a blessing or a lesson, there’s benefit in both, take the blessing and learn the lesson.

32 - “O Allah! There is no ease except that which You make easy, and indeed You, when You want, make difficulties easy.”–(Sahih Ibn Hibban)

33 - “You sin so much and Allah is still so kind to you. Imagine if you were good, what level of mercy and kindness He would have towards you.” (Imam Ali as)

34 - Dont marry someone you think you can make better. Marry someone you think will make you better  - (Omar Suleiman)

35 - In this Earth, there is no greater pleasure than Sujood.

36 - Think of someone. Make a special Dua for that person.

37 - When you realise that you cannot have everything you want, you’ve understood the nature of dunya. When you realise that you can have everything you love or desire, you’ve understood the nature of Jannah!
- (Yasmin Mogahed)

38 - If a person were wise, his concern over his own sins would distract him from seeing the faults of others.

- (Imam Shafie)

39 - “None of you will have faith till he wishes for his brother what he likes for himself.” - (Bukhari)

40 - Bangsa penakut tidak boleh merdeka & tidak berhak merdeka. Ketakutan adalah penasihat yang sangat curang untuk kemerdekaan.~ (Andre Colin)

41 - keep calm because Allah is always with us.

42 - Kekecewaan mengajar kita erti kehidupan.Teruskan perjuangan kita walaupun terpaksa menghadapi rintangan demi rintangan dalam hidup.

43 - Masa depan itu dibeli oleh masa sekarang. - (Samuel Johnson)

44 - Lebih baik tidur dengan perut yang lapar daripada bangun tidur dengan banyak hutang. - (Anonimous)

45 - Kamu dapat mengenal lebih banyak tentang diri seseorang itu dari adab dan pertanyaannya, bukan dari jawapan-jawapannya. - (Voltaire)

46 - Bukan pistol yang membunuh, tapi manusia!

47 - Kita dibentuk oleh apa yang kita cintai.

48 - Kebahagiaan utama dalam kehidupan ialah keyakinan bahawa kita dicintai.

49 - Anda tidak boleh mencipta pengalaman. Anda mesti menghadapinya. - (Albert Camus)

50 - Wahai anak muda, jika engkau tidak sanggup menahan lelahnya belajar, engkau harus menanggung pahitnya kebodohan.

51 - Jika anda ingin mempunyai masa depan yang hebat, anda perlu membina asas yang kuat.

52 - Ketika ditimpa bencana, kita akan mengenali yang mana satu lawan & yang mana satu kawan.

53 - berdoalah kerana anda mempunyai banyak perkara yang perlu bersyukur, bukan hanya apabila anda memerlukan sesuatu.

54 - He separates you from those you love to show you the nature of this world. Then reunites you, to show you the nature of the next. - (yasmin mogahed)

55 - Be "very" choosy about who you allow in. - (yasmin mogahed)

56 - Hawa, Hijab adalah cahaya. Rasa malu adalah perhiasan. Penutup adalah kecantikan. Dan Menjaga kehormatan adalah akhlak yang terpuji. - (FNY)

57 - "Ilmu adalah cahaya yang Allah untuk ditempatkan di dalam hati seseorang. Orang yang berilmu mempunyai kedudukan yang tinggi dan mulia di sisi Allah SWT dan masyarakat." - (FNY)

58 - "Ukhuwah adalah segalanya. Biar putus tali pinggang tapi jangan putus kawan" Ust Riduan Md Nor

59 - Hensem. Cantik. Kacak. Comel. Bergaya. Cool. Macho. Itu semua kita yang pandang, tetapi Allah pandang pada HATI dan IMAN kita. - (FNY)

60 - Kemaafan itu indah wahai sahabat.Belajarlah memaafkan,kerana tiada manusia yang mahu membuat silap.Jangan terlalu cepat kita menjatuhkan hukum. - (FNY)

61 - Berbahagialah org yg dapat menjadi tuan untuk dirinya,menjadi pemandu untuk nafsunya dan menjadi kapten untuk bahtera hidupnya - Saidina Ali